Churches Together in Luton, a local outworking of a national movement Churches Together in England, simply looks to represent churches together in Luton. It expresses a desire to acknowledge and celebrate a community of people finding meaning in Christ. It represents a place to listen and learn and a basis for service, advocacy and action. Its strength is founded on a call to humility in acknowledging difference and love in word and deed out of what we hold in common.
Tony Thompson, Chair
Singers wanted for community choir Easter Event – casting 24th February
COGIC will be having an Easter Community event on Thursday 17th April. We are looking for singers from the wider community to form a special choir for this one-off event. There will be... READ MORE
Regular Weekly events
Weekly events Monday The Meeting Place Cafe, Christchurch Bushmead High Town Coffee morning. Open Church at St Thomas Stopsley Fitness training at Christchurch Bushmead Tuesday Warm Space at ST Francis Welcome Space cafe... READ MORE
Assisted Dying Correspondence with Sarah Owen MP
With the recent approval of the Assisted Dying Bill, CTL, along with members of Luton Council of Faiths, have met with Sarah Owen MP to discuss the views of some Faith people with... READ MORE
DO you have premises another church can use please?
RCCG Open Heavens Church is looking for new premises. Do you have anywhere they could worship please? If so, please let Yinka know as soon as you can. Many thanks Sue READ MORE
The Luton Christian bookshop needs volunteers for Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat.
The Luton Christian bookshop needs volunteers for Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat. If anyone thinks God is calling them to this voluntary work, please phone 01582 723210 on Tues or Sat and ask... READ MORE
Please renew your membership or join us if you are not already a member.
We have been busy in 2024 with several new initiatives with racial justice group, several new estates projects, more Commnications and prayer and breakfast meetings. More details will be in our annual report... READ MORE
Services in different languages
We are trying to put together a list of services which are held in languages other than English. We are sure there are many of these which we do not know about. If... READ MORE
Luton Community Chaplaincy
Luton Community Chaplaincy have some videos to show what they do and some updates. please click on the following link to see what they do and how you can join them. New volunteers... READ MORE