FORGIVENESS WORKSHOP – Saturday 8th March St Mary’s Church

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Date(s) - 08/03/2025
10:00 am - 2:00 pm

St Mary's Church Hall


This workshop is for anyone who struggles to forgive, or has forgiven, but still feels the pain and anger of the situation.

Jesus teaches us to forgive those who sin against us, so how do I know I have unresolved unforgiveness that keeps me from living freely as my Best Self?

Here are a few examples of unforgiveness and the way it might shape us.
– A certain person’s name comes to mind, and I feel angry again.
– I see a person in the grocery store who gossiped about me and harmed my reputation. So, I turn around and go the other way.
– when a certain person’s name comes up in a conversation, my brain seems to shut down in confusion.
– My mother died several years ago, but I can still hear her voice constantly criticizing me as a child.

The goal of this workshop is for each participant to pick a personal situation that is unresolved. Our hope is that each participant would learn the phases of forgiveness that can help them find more freedom.

8th March 1000am – 2.00pm at St Mary’s Church
Drinks and biscuits provided, please bring your own lunch.
