DIALOGUE WORKSHOP – Saturday 22nd March at St Mary’s Church Hall

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Date(s) - 22/03/2025
9:30 am - 2:00 pm

St Mary's church hall


This workshop is for anyone who would like to be able to discuss tricky issues in a constructive and transformational way
Jesus teaches us to love our neighbour as ourselves.
But what does that look like when the other person has views that irritate me, or that I think are plain wrong?
And how can I have meaningful discussion with that person, that doesn’t end up being a big argument, or us walking away from each other, making it awkward the next time we see each other?
The goal of this practical and interactive workshop is for each participant to be equipped to put Jesus’ command to love our neighbour as ourselves (Mark 12: 30 – 31), and to give an answer for what we believe but with gentleness and respect (1 Peter 3:15), when discussing topics on which we have very different perspectives.
At St Mary’s Church Hall, 9.30am – 2pm on 22nd March
Drinks and biscuits provided, bring your own lunch
