Please see the following from Liz Hughes at the Airport.
Luton International Airport are looking to update our Chaplaincy Emergency Response Team (CERT) here at the airport
Liz would be very grateful if you could pass this on to your members and colleagues and ask them to give prayerful consideration to becoming one of our team members
We have regular training, which we are currently restructuring, so any new recruits do not need to feel out of their depth, as we will all be revisiting the basics of the role and process
We are also aware that we do not have full representation of people from the full range of faith backgrounds, so would be especially interested in recruiting assistance from all faith communities
If anyone is interested we hope to organise some initial training in May/June
Meanwhile I would be very happy if individuals or small groups would like to come to the airport to discuss the role and their potential involvement, with no strings attached
I have attached a document outlining our needs
Please ask anyone who is interested to learn more, to be in touch with me directly
Liz Hughes (The Revd Canon)
Senior Chaplain
London Luton Airport
Percival House, Percival Way
Luton, LU2 9NU