Date(s) - 29/09/2024
11:00 am - 5:00 pm
Madinah Mosque
We appreciate Christians have varying strong views about visiting Mosques, but I include this invitation in the spirit of Understanding and unity for those who feel able to attend.
Assalamu ‘Alaikum (May the Peace & Blessings of God Be Upon You)
It is with pleasure that we invite you to the Afternoon Tea, at UKIM Madinah Mosque Open Day at Madinah Mosque 128-130 Oak Road Luton LU4 8AD on Sunday 29th September 2024 between 11am to 5pm.
This free, community led, open day is just one of many being hosted in British Mosques around the country, in the spirit of understanding and dialogue, as part of the national #VisitMyMosque initiative co-ordinated by the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB). The organisers aim to make local communities more familiar and comfortable with Islam, a great faith constantly associated in the press with censure and negativity.
As always, we hope to share experiences, raise questions and discuss issues, all within a friendly setting. No doubt this will help us to learn and foster better understanding between people of different faiths and none especially this year after the riots, we need to engage and understand each other.
The day will feature a variety of sumptuous delicacies, drinks, exhibits, tours and gifts so invite your friends and colleagues and bring them along. There will be free car parking available opposite the Mosque in the Luton Town Football car park. We look forward to welcoming you and your guests with a hot cup of tea and warm samosas!
Kind Regards & Wasalaam,
Maqsood Anwar
Madinah Mosque
Tp 07989908499