Please renew your membership!

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Dear friends

There are still some churches who have not renewed their membership this year. We wish to support all churches of every type and look to you, our members, to help us do so. Please rejoin us if you are able.

Dear Friends

2023 was a busy year for CTL.  Tony Thompson took on the role of Chair, and Michael Singleton will continue his outreach work as vice-chair, Lawrence Fagbayi having stood down.

Our Truth and Reconciliation group continued meeting producing a page detailing the problems and guidance to solve discrimination. We are also working on a document to give guidance and resources for churches.

Our Communications group is continuing – we are making more use of Facebook and X (twitter), and alongside our newsletters we have launched a series introducing the work of various churches and groups in Luton. Please follow us on Facebook and contact Sue if you would like to receive our newsletters.

Three of our churches are working closely with refugees in Luton, teaching English, providing clothing, food etc, and bible study in Farsi. Many have been baptised and joined the church.

There were two leaders Breakfast meetings which were an inspiration and chance to get to know other leaders better. We invite you to join us in May for our AGM/Breakfast when you can hear more about these activities. Details to follow nearer the time.

We welcome you now to renew (or start) your membership with us for 2024 and help us work for you, our members, with each other, local charities, the council and others. The renewal form is available on the website or in this email. Please complete and return to me, and ideally pay by BACs to save us bank charges, although cheque is fine if not.

So for another year, we wish God’s blessings on you and your work.

Sue Penn

Secretary, Churches Together in Luton.

10 Capron Road


