Man’s Dem Chat -an online group for Black Men

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This notice is on behalf of the LBC Public Health Inequalities and Communities Team

Man’s Dem Chat (MDC) is an online group, targeting specifically Black Men, giving a safe space to discuss topics and issues that may effect them or other members of (Luton’s) community.

The Group have been up and running every Wednesday 6:30pm-8pm since January 2022, with discussions around Health and wellbeingMental HealthFinancial Advice, Family & Community and Social Events, to name but a few, and with regular guest speakers from the local community, documenting their achievements.

The group also uploads the sessions onto various social media platforms, to enable the public to use them as a possible educational resource.

For more information contact    Andrew.Murrell   

to join the Zoom meeting, use the link below:

Zoom meeting ID: 858 8815 3842

Pw: niw2LY


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