Online ‘Reducing Parental Conflict’ and other parental workshops available

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All parents will argue or have disagreements whether they live together, are separated, or divorced. When these arguments become more frequent, intense and are left unresolved it can be a difficult time for everyone. For children it can be upsetting when their parents argue; they may feel that they are the ones responsible, or they get caught in the middle. Parents may not set out to expose their children to this conflict and may be unaware of the serious negative impact this destructive communication is having on their child’s wellbeing.

Parental conflict is below the threshold of domestic abuse.

Reducing Parental Conflict is everyone’s business!

Across Central Bedfordshire and Luton, we have staff training and parent workshops available. Please have a look at the flyers for more information.

Our new e-learning module about parental conflict is available for anyone who’d like to learn more – whether you work with families and would like to learn more to better support them, or whether you are facing issues within your own family unit.

The course will introduce the learner to parental conflict, the impact it has on children and how improved communication between parents can improve outcomes for their children. To take part in the free e-learning visit You will need to create a free account if you do not already have one. Then search for ‘parental conflict’, the learning requires admin approval so please allow time for the request to be accepted.

If you would like to learn more about our offer for parents both through face to face and digital programmes, please contact the Reducing Parental Conflict lead for Luton and Central Bedfordshire-
